14 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Setiap terjadinya pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup, manusia akan selalu menghasilkan limbah sisa. Salah satunya dalam bentuk sampah, baik sampah organik maupun sampah anorganik. Sampah yang terus menumpuk dari hari kehari dapat menimbulkan polusi udara, polusi tanah, polusi air, merusak estetika suatu wilayah, bahkan menjadi sumber penyakit bagi warga sekitar. Perbandingan terbalik yang terjadi antara kuantitas sampah yang semakin banyak tiap harinya, tetapi penguraian sampah yang minim salah satunya terjadi di Desa Perampuan, Kecematan Labuapi. Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Dalam program ini, ditawarkan solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah sampah di atas dengan menggunakan pola pemberdayaan para orang tua melalui pendekatan social marketing di masa pandemi civid-19. Menjadikan Para orang tua dan anak-anak sebagai sumber daya manusia utama untuk mengelola sampah menjadi harta karun yang bernilai. Sampah yang ada di Desa Perampuan dipisahkan antara sampah organic dan nonorganik sehingga dapat dikelola dengan bijak sehingga dapat mengambil manfaatkan untuk meningkatkan sumber daya ekonomi, dan dapat mengasah kemampuan dalam memproduksi sampah. Pemilahan sampah menggunakan pola pemberdayaan para orang tua melalui pendekatan social marketing di masa pandemi civid-19 ini perlu disosialisasikan dan diadakan pelatihan kepada para orang tua dan anak-anak agar memiliki kemampuan lebih mendalam, untuk mengelola sampah. Every time the fulfillment of life's needs, people will always produce waste waste. One of them is in the form of garbage, both organic and inorganic waste. Garbage that continues to accumulate from day to day can cause air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, damage the aesthetics of an area, even become a source of disease for the surrounding residents. The reverse comparison that occurs between the quantity of garbage that is increasing every day, but the minimal decomposition of garbage one of them occurs in the village of Downsizing, Labuapi Kecematan. Regency of West Lombok. In this program, solutions are offered to solve the garbage problem above by using the empowerment pattern of parents through social marketing approach in the civid-19 pandemic. Making parents and children the main human resources for managing waste into valuable treasures. The waste in The Downsizing Village is separated between organic and nonorganic waste so that it can be managed wisely so that it can take advantage to increase economic resources, and can hone skills in producing waste. Waste sorting using the empowerment pattern of parents through the social marketing approach during the civid-19 pandemic needs to be socialized and held training to parents and children in order to have a deeper ability, to manage waste


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    A common problem for farmers so far is not having good access to financing institutions, making it difficult to obtain credit or financing of agricultural businesses, such as people's business loans (KUR) from banks. That's why, the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities and Agriculture (PSP) Ministry of Agriculture ( Kementan) rolled out the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP) until now. With the revitalization of agricultural financing is expected to be one of the efforts aimed at encouraging and guaranteeing the availability of financing / capital for farmers in the development of farming To support the success of agricultural development, the government through the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia provided Direct Assistance to the Rural Agribusiness Development Community (BLM-PUAP) which was rolled out to the Combined Farmer Groups (Gapoktan) in each village, with the hope that all villages in NTB Province, especially in West Sumbawa Regency can be accommodated.


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    Several issues that are interesting and integrated with courses and the industrial world are related to the environment and waste with a circular economy approach. The results of the 2021 campus and city waste research show that the type of food and drink most often consumed on campus and in households in the form of packaged rice dominates 65.8% and plastic packaging 49.4% (Nurjannah S, 2021). The high percentage of these types of food and beverages has an impact on the generated waste. The waste generated by the campus is a scourge in health and environmental aspects. Efforts to encourage a circular economy transition in Indonesia to achieve sustainable development or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The circular economy will take on a bigger role, especially in relation to the increasing commitment to zero waste within the Muhammadiyah University of Mataram campus environment, and in the future it can realize zero waste West Nusa Tenggara. Therefore, circular economy is the most appropriate model in waste management. In 2022, we are likely to see a stronger push for the transition to a circular economy in anticipation of the climate crisis

    Strategi Pengembangan Desa Mantar sebagai Kawasan Desa Wisata di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat

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    Mantar Village is a village that is designated as a tourist area by the West Sumbawa Regency Government. Although already established as a tourist village, Mantar Village management as a tourist village is still not maximized. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the main types of tourism and support and determine the strategy of tourism development in MantarVillage. The method used in this research is descriptive research method. Data were collected using survey technique to 40 respondents chosen by purposive sampling. AHP analysis was used to determine the main types of tourism and supporters, and to determine the development strategy Mantar Village tourism was used SWOT analysis. The results of the study using AHP analysis indicate that the main tourism in Mantar Village based on the criteria of stakeholder support, facilities and infrastructures, and the main tourist attraction in Mantar Village is Nature Tourism (0.3012) and Paragliding Sports Tour (0.2860) and historical and cultural tourism (0.2134 ) and agricultural tourism (0.1994) are support tours. Mantar Village development strategy as a tourist village in West Sumbawa Regency based on SWOT analysis is a S-O (Strenght-opportunity) strategy that is a strategy that utilizes the power it possesses to seize the opportunity or aggressive strategy. Priority of strategy that need to be done is to arrange Mantar Village tour package and increase cooperation with private party, increase promotion of tourist village, quantity and quality of tourism management HR, supporting facilities and infrastructure, planning development and management of tourist village,socialization in order to increase community awareness related tourist villag


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    Sampah merupakan salah yang sangat serius dan susah untuk dihindari, sampah yang dihasilkan di kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram bertambah setiap tahunnya, diimbangi dengan jumlah mahasiswa dan civitas akademika yang semakin banyak. Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram sendiri kesulitan menangani masalah sampah tersebuh. Bersama dengan Pusat Studi Ekonomi Sirkular, akan didirian ATM sampah berbasis sedekah sampah, Teknik operasional ATM Sampah UMMAT adalah pemilahan, pewadahan dan pengolahan timbulan sampah dari sumbernya. ATM Sampah UMMAT akan diletakkan di tempat tempat strategis, sehingga setiap civitas akademika masuk ke lingkungan kampus dapat menyetorkan sampahnya Sesuai dengan jenis sampah yang disetorkan, kemudian ATM Sampah UMMAT  juga akan ditempatkan di masing masing Gedung yang ada di Universitas, sampah  yang telah tersimpan di masing-masing ATM Sampah akan di proses Lanjut oleh Tim Pusat Study untuk didaur ulang. Hasil dari kegiatan edukasipengelolaansampahberbasis ATM sampahbagipetugaskebersihanseUniversitasberjalansesuairencana, dan kinikampusUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram sudahbisadikatakansebagaikampusZerro Waste


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    ABSTRAK                                                                                     Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, terletak di Jalan K.H.Ahmad Dahlan, No. 1, Pagesangan Kota Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat. Masih banyaknya warga civitas akademik UMMAT yang Kesadaran dan kepedulian untuk menangani masalah sampah terlihat masih sangat kurang. Kebiasaan membakar sampah masih mendarah daging di para petugas kebersihan dalam menangani permasalahan sampah. Disamping itu dengan membakar sampah dirasa oleh para petugas kebersihan adalah cara yang paling cepat dalam menangani permasalahan tersebut. Maka pengabdian ini bertujuan membangkitkan kesadaran warga civitas akademik UMMAT agar lebih pedulu akan lingkungan kampus, sehingga mampu merubah kampus menjadi kampus hijau.  metode yang di gunakan adalah SOS (sort out, saved) yang dimaksudkan disini guna mempermudah dalam mengingat konsep 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle), meliputi pemilahan sampah, lalu dikumpulkan dan ditabung yang output-nya diharapakan dapat menciptakan lingkungan bebas sampah. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah kesadaran para petugas kebersihan mulai memahami pentingnya mengelola sampah. Karena bukannya akan membantu melestarikan lingkungan tetapi juga dapat membantu perekonomian warga dengan adanya pelatihan mengenai kreasi-kreasi yang dapat dibuat dari sampah dan memiliki nilai jual. Juga dengan adanya pengadaan tempat sampah di Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, mahasiswa dan para petugas kebersihan dapat melakukan kegiatan nyata dalam pengelolaan sampah dengan cara pemilahan sampah, baik organik maupun non organik.  Kata kunci: Pengelolaan Sampah, Sampah Organik, Sampah Unorganik. ABSTRACTUniversity of Muhammadiyah Mataram Campus, located on Jalan K.H.Ahmad Dahlan, No. 1, Pagesangan Kota Mataram West Nusa Tenggara. There are still many residents of the UMMAT academic community whose awareness and concern for dealing with the waste problem seems to be still very lacking. The habit of burning garbage is still ingrained in the cleaners in dealing with the waste problem. In addition, in addition, the cleaner felt that burning garbage is the fastest way to solve the waste problem. So this service aims to raise awareness of the UMMAT academic community to be more concerned about the campus environment, so that they are able to turn the campus into a green campus. The method used is SOS (sort out, saved) which is intended here to make it easier to remember the 3R concept (reduce, reuse, recycle), which includes sorting waste, then collecting and saving the output of which is expected to create a waste-free environment. The result of this acitivity revealed that the awareness that the awareness of the cleaners begins to understand the importance of managing waste. Because it will not help preserve the environment but it can also help the economy of residents with training on creations that can be made from waste and have a selling point. Also with the procurement of waste bins at the Muhammadiyah Mataram University Campus, students and cleaners can carry out real activities in waste management by sorting waste, both organic and non-organic. Keywords: Waste Management, Organic Waste, Unorganic Wast


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    Saat ini lingkungan menjadi fokus perhatian utama dalam proses usaha pelestarian bumi, pertambahan jumlah  penduduk  tentunya  akan  menghasilkan  pertambahan  jumlah  volume  sampah  dan  sampah tersebut akan mengakibatkan sumber pencemaran lingkungan, pencemaran tanah, pencemaran air, dan terjadinya  penyumbatan  saluran  air  yang  menyebabkan  suatu  kota  akan  menimbulkan  banjir  apabila tidak  dikelola  dengan  baik. Penyumbang sampah terbesar adalah sampah limbah rumah tangga, sehingga ibu-ibu rumah tangga perlu diberikan sosialisasi bagaimana cara memanajemen sampah yang dihasilkan sehingga memiliki nilai ekonomis. Selain mempu menampahpendapatan rumah tangga, bisnis pengelolahan sampah juga mampu memberikan dampak positif terhadap lingkungan tempat tinggal, seperti lingkungan bersih dan sehat. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada masyarakat sebagaimana yang telah diuraikan  sebelumnya dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh pendiri bank sampah perempuan hebat,  maka  dalam  PKM  ini  ditawarkan  beberapa  metoda pendekatan  yang  dapat  membantu  dalam  menyelesaikan  masalah  yang  ada  yaitu  dengan  melakukan metode  penyampaian  edukasi  mengenai  sampah  diawali  dengan  Coaching (Pelatihan) dan Pendampingan, yakni dengan menyampaikan informasi dan pengetahuan secara lisan dan praktek kepada masyarakat, sehingga kedepannya manajeman dan system bank sampah perempuan hebat berjalan dengan baik sesuai yang diharapkan. Seperti bank sampah perempuan hebat belum menerapkan manajemen pembukuan dan nasabah berperan aktif untuk perkembangan bank sampah perempuan hebat, guna meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat


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    ABSTRACTMantar Village is a village that is designated as a tourist area by the West Sumbawa Regency Government. Although already established as a tourist village, Mantar Village management as a tourist village is still not maximized. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the main types of tourism and support and determine the strategy of tourism development in MantarVillage. The method used in this research is descriptive research method. Data were collected using survey technique to 40 respondents chosen by purposive sampling. AHP analysis was used to determine the main types of tourism and supporters, and to determine the development strategy Mantar Village tourism was used SWOT analysis. The results of the study using AHP analysis indicate that the main tourism in Mantar Village based on the criteria of stakeholder support, facilities and infrastructures, and the main tourist attraction in Mantar Village is Nature Tourism (0.3012) and Paragliding Sports Tour (0.2860) and historical and cultural tourism (0.2134 ) and agricultural tourism (0.1994) are support tours. Mantar Village development strategy as a tourist village in West Sumbawa Regency based on SWOT analysis is a S-O (Strenght-opportunity) strategy that is a strategy that utilizes the power it possesses to seize the opportunity or aggressive strategy. Priority of strategy that need to be done is to arrange Mantar Village tour package and increase cooperation with private party, increase promotion of tourist village, quantity and quality of tourism management HR, supporting facilities and infrastructure, planning development and management of tourist village,socialization in order to increase community awareness related tourist villageKeywords: Development Strategy, AHP, SWOT, Tourism, Mantar Villag

    Impact of corona virus on fishermen's business in Labuan Bajo

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    Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that this corona virus is an infectious disease that attacks the human respiratory system. The corona virus causes the common cold to the point where it can cause death. The origin of this virus originated from Wuhan China, then spread throughout the world including Indonesia. In West Manggarai Regency, precisely in Labuan Bajo Village, a lockdown is implemented for 14 days, everyone is prohibited from going out of the house, including business/trade/entertainment/school activities or activities in Komodo Island Village, whose profession is relatively a fisherman. With this lockdown, fishermen are confused when making a living, because expenses keep coming out while there is no income. Abstrak: World Health Organization (WHO) menjelaskan bahwa corona virus ini merupakan penyakit menular yang menyerang sistem pernapasan manusia. Virus corona menyebabkan penyakit flu biasa sampai bisa menyebabkan kematian. Asal mula virus ini berawal dari Wuhan China, lalu menyebar ke seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, tepatnya di Desa Labuan Bajo menerapkan lockdown selama 14 Hari, setiap orang dilarang beraktivitas keluar rumah, termasuk aktivitas Usaha/ dagang/hiburan/ sekolah ataupun aktivitas di Desa Pulau Komodo yang relatif profesinya sebagai Nelayan. Dengan adanya lockdown ini para nelayan kebingungan saat mencari nafkah, soalnya pengeluaran tetap keluar sedangkan pemasukan tidak ada


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji persoalan tata laksana nilai ekonomi karbon pra dan pasca terbitnya peraturan presiden nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo peraturan Menteri lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan nomor 21 tahun 2022 tentang tata laksana penerapan nilai ekonomi karbon. Potensi hutan dan lahan, harus dimaksimalkan melalui integrasi dan rencana aksi daerah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ekonomi karbon, selama ini berjalan masih bersifat sukarela (voluntary). Menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis doktrinal, dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan (library research). Selanjutnya menggunakan sumber data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier, dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian pertama, tata laksana ekonomi karbon pra Perpres Nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo Permenlhk Nomor 21 tahun 2022, telah dilaksanakan kurang lebih selama 15 tahun dan bersifat sukarela (voluntary) oleh kelompok masyarakat/komunitas penggiat lingkungan, baik dengan mekanisme skema Plan Vivo dan skema lainnya. Kegiatannya bersifat dua pihak (business to business) yaitu pihak komunitas dan pihak investor luar negeri. Kedua, Diterbitkannya Perpres Nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo Permenlhk Nomor 21 tahun 2022, maka kegiatan ekonomi karbon yang dilakukan sebelum regulasi tersebut lahir, diwajibkan (mandatory) untuk melakukan penyesuaian melalui skema Sistem Registri Nasional Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim (SRN PPI). Lahirnya regulasi aquo, memberikan kepastian hukum pelaksanaan nilai ekonomi karbon di Indonesia.   Abstract: This study aims to examine the issue of governance of the economic value of carbon pre- and post-issuance of presidential regulation number 98 of 2021 and regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry number 21 of 2022 concerning the implementation of the economic value of carbon. The potential of forests and land must be maximized through integration and regional action plans. The implementation of carbon economy activities, so far, is still voluntary. Using juridical doctrinal research methods, with a library research approach. Furthermore, it uses secondary data sources in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, and is analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the first study, the management of the carbon economy pre-Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2021 jo Permenlhk Number 21 of 2022, has been implemented for approximately 15 years and is voluntary by community groups / communities of environmental activists, both with the mechanism of the Vivo Plan scheme and other schemes. Its activities are two parties (business to business), namely the community and foreign investors. Second, the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2021 and Permenlhk Number 21 of 2022, so carbon economic activities carried out before the regulation was born, are required (mandatory) to make adjustments through the National Registry System for Climate Change Control (SRN PPI) scheme. The birth of aquo regulation, providing legal certainty for the implementation of the economic value of carbon in Indonesia